Energy Meters

Energy Meter or Watt-Hour Meter is an electrical instrument that measures the amount of electrical energy used by the consumers.

The basic unit of power is watts and it is measured by using a watt meter. One thousand watts make one kilowatt. If one uses one kilowatt in one-hour duration, one unit of energy gets consumed. So energy meters measure the rapid voltage and currents, calculate their product and give instantaneous power. This power is integrated over a time interval, which gives the energy utilized over that time period.

Types of Energy Meters

The energy meters are classified into two basic categories, such as:

  • Electromechanical Type Induction Meter
  • Electronic Energy Meter

Energy meters are classified into two types by taking the following factors into considerations:

  • Types of displays analog or digital electric meter.
  • Types of metering points: secondary transmission, grid, local and primary distribution.
  • End applications like commercial, industrial and domestic purpose
  • Technical aspects like single phases, three phases, High Tension (HT), Low Tension (LT) and accuracy class materials.